When the angels dance on their heads

Smitha Vishwanath
Poetry in Form
Published in
1 min readJun 29, 2021


The verses are written in Shadorma format (3/5/3/3/7/5)

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You know when-
angels are dancing
on their head-
When the sky
turns a Fuschia and the clouds
are a wisp of white

When a child
swaddled, asleep, softly
smiles, raising
peachy cheeks
to feathery lashes that
quiver to Zion’s dreams

When a land
dried, cracked, is showered
by Zeus and
its thirst quenched
a mother is born, and life
sprouts, and hope blossoms
When a man

hungry, with no means
is served bread
When no man
need live in fear and freedom
is there, free like air
When music

Is played, and artists
create, when
dancers dance
and teachers sow seeds that give
flower, fruit or shade
When the old

look to the heavens
thankful for
every breath,
when He looks down proud of His
creation; you know-
Angels are dancing on their heads



A banker, a poet, an artist, a writer, a wannabe baker, a traveler on life's journey who is out here to share her experiences. Hopefully it resonates with you.