
Poetry in Form
Published in
Apr 27, 2021


Cut up paper with black letters arranged to say “sorry”
Photo by alleksana from Pexels

The words “I am sorry”
Don’t always prove who was right,
Sometimes they are spoken
To avoid hurt and fights.
Sometimes they are flippant,
Sometimes insincere…
Our proud thoughts disguised,
By apology’s veneer.

Yet there are moments,
When people accept,
That they’ve hurt or degraded,
And done things they regret.
They’ve looked down on others,
Found things to criticize,
And realize with shame,
They should’ve rather empathized.

So, the words “I am sorry”
Come from me, deep within,
I’ve acknowledged my failure,
And ask you to forgive,
I hope that your smile,
Shines bright through the day,
And that I bless and encourage,
In the words that I say.



There is a way to communicate every human thought and it is an artist’s task to find it.