Ghazal: My Love

Eugene A. Melino
Poetry in Form
Published in
1 min readDec 16, 2017


Source: Pixbay / CC0 Creative Commons

Adrift across your eyes’ rare green, my love,
we learned the ways adults diversify love.

Good Muslims should speak truth to their fanatics?
For this Christ got what? Peter left to deny love.

I don’t care why The Donald says I’m fired,
The Beatles tell me money can’t buy me love.

Second amendment gun, American idol.
Our Pilates wash their hands and crucify love.

Babies ourselves, your breasts — untouchable.
We were two teens asleep in a lullabye love.

Gay or straight, ignore the wedding bells.
Neither church nor state can verify love.

Keep your solemn protests. Forget the rich.
Take care of the least of Mine. Occupy love.

Obsession nearly drowned me. Still I dream
of how your honeyed loins could liquefy love.

Elections come and go like drunken brawls,
their partisan polemics ossify love.

In faith I wrestle naked angels all day
to get a blessed dislocated thigh love.

We two together, mom, my first breath to your last.
I sign this Eugene, your only son’s goodbye love.

- Eugene A. Melino

Originally published in Eastern Structures №3, Vol. 1, 2017.

