Away We Sway

Poetry in Form
Published in
1 min readSep 7, 2021


Home away from home …

My little joy packet!

With maple, snow, and much more in our cart,

Keeping India in our hearts here is to the new start.


Knowing it’s not going to be the easy one,

But we have to do what we have to, so why not do it with fun.


Family is away and, the distances are too much,

But this pain can be minimized; with video call’s touch.


All will settle, after some time for sure,

I look forward to a better future for ourselves to lure.


Things can be challenging due to vast cultural differences, I can see,

But taking baby steps to learn and grow with patience is the fee.


Blessed with this opportunity and the reality check,

Dreams for our 4-year old yells — “There is no going back!”


Staying connected to our roots and sharing them with my son is the goal we have made,

Cheering him to do his best, we plan to let him glow and grow under our shade.



A scrabble lover 🔠, budding poet ✍, novice writer 📝and a newbie painter🎨